Friday, April 03, 2009

An Ironic Funny (for a while) APRIL FOOL JOKE!

I guess I better post something before Mr.Blogger decided to delete my dusty blog!

I decided to type something in my blog while waiting for my bro to finish his test. Did anyone crack an April Fool joke on you this year?

This is what happened...sometime long ago, we wrote a Physics paper (a really hard one!) and recently students have been bugging for the test results. Well, the lecturer explained that the 800+ papers were assigned to a single marker to make sure that the marks are fair, so it's going to take pretty long. So on 1st April early in the morning, everyone flooded into the Physics building to check out their marks pasted on the notice board, after hearing that it's out. To everyone's shock, most people failed really badly with a small group passing and a really small number getting good marks. Then, you'll see some really depressed people and some broke down crying...shame...while some was so happy to see their high marks!
Some people realise that it can't be real and must be an April Fool joke, but most people still remain depressed and stuff b'cos they don't believe that the school will crack such a joke.

The truth was revealed afterwards that it was the doing of some of the students and the lecturers simply played along! However, ironically, fate did not change when the official results came out today and it didn't look too different from the fake one! I think it's more ironic for me cos on the fake list, I passed, but on the actual, I didn't. I failed badly and it ain't funny anymore.
I didn't expect the test to be marked that strictly unlike maths where the method also counts.
I was a bit depressed afterwards since I've worked really hard but I guess there's still room for improvement and have to work even harder (somehow)!

Other tests went fine so far but I've gotta work harder in some new ways. It's time to get going. Since I've no more time to do anything else other than studying, I hope everyone will understand and I wish they are all doing well and smiling!