Thursday, January 08, 2009


A friend of mine came over yesterday night to show me his new speedlight he bought for his camera. We did some experiment with the speedlight and I've come to understand why speedlight is created. I used to think "why do you need a bigger flash when the camera has a built-in flash?" Light showned at different angles gives an object (e.g. person) a much different feel and projection.

As its quite a cloudless night, we decided to take some picture of the moon. It's the first time for me to take a picture of the moon. I'd thought that it's impossible without a remote control as the camera will shake when the trigger is pressed and the picture will come out blurry. But in actual fact, timer can be used and there'll be no shaking, isn't it? Stupid me.

Back into the house to check the pictures taken, I was surprised to find that email was sent while I was in the garden taking photos and my laptop off. Adding to my surprise, the email was sent to all my contacts! OMG! I suspect that my email account was hacked into...cos stupid me (again), I remembered using the same email and password for Friendster! Lesson learnt: don't use password that's so short (6 numbers) and don't be lazy and use the same password for other sites. Again, I apologise for any troubles caused from this special email.


小米 said...

is that a picture that u took urself? looks familiar leh..