Saturday, November 17, 2007


Seems like I don't treat blogging seriously...haha...well for me, I'm really lazy to update frequently...

Recently was feeling a bit funny, I mean I can feel my heart beating real hard and fast for no apparent reason...Actually, I am really scared because it happened before when I was small but it is reoccuring again..I really don't know what's wrong. But I guess it's lack of sleep and some healthy lifestyle could've caused it?

It's been a few weeks since my brother had left the country and through e-mail I heard that he is currently coping with the environment there and seemed to be doing quite well now. Great news that he has been accepted by one of the university at Cape Town for mechanical engineering. Good luck studying!

Just sold out my PSP slim few days ago coz really seldom play games so I got a Ipod Classic instead. It blowed my pocket badly but yeah it's quite a sweet gadget which really fits my needs more than a PSP. Now I can put all my music collection into it without exchanging music every week or so.