Monday, August 18, 2008

Officially a Nikonian!

Finally got a Nikon D40 SLR camera into my hands (but hole in pocket) ! I've long wanted a good camera to capture days of our lives. Beautiful things that comes by, maybe, once in our lifetime? Who knows, I may become an old man who forgot about his past? Tons of pictures should help (I guess).

My first touch of such camera was my dad's film-type SLR camera. I used it once for my Biology project which was a research on the birds in our environment. I got good marks for the project mainly for the beautiful pictures taken?There's many techniques out there which I can explore and I'm sure I'll have much more beautiful things to photograph when I return to South Africa. I'm sure many love my brother's photo as much as I do.

This coming Friday & Saturday there'll be fireworks display near Esplanade and I'll like to challenge taking some photos! It'll be my first night photography and according to netizens it is not easy because of the lighting, etc. Well, it'll be a good learning experience for me but I bet it'll be quite tiring coz i'll have to rush there after work to get a place!

...oh yeah...pls don't rain that day...