Yay, finally have the time to take a breath and update my blog! It's been hectic this past week, sleeping really little (5-6 hours)! That's real bad for me cos I'm still a growing boy (you wished!)

Anyway, last week Thursday was my dad's departure date. Aunt Xiu-Zhu (has been calling her 'aunt' since small cos she used be our neighbour and takes care of me and my bro lots) came to pick us up and brought us to Beauty World's "Green on Earth Cafe" to have dinner. It may sound like I'm adv

ertising it, but since it's my first time at this cafe, it left me a good impression. This cafe is an organic food-stuff cafe. You can find menus of delicious food made from organic food and even cakes too. The interior design is also very nice and cozy. If I remember correctly, we had Buckwheat noodles, Olive rice, Pizza, salads, mushroom soup & corn soup. I'm v

ery impressed with the simplicity of the ingredients but beautifully composed food. It also taste very 'clean' & healthy. Yes, it is not as taste'ful' as our kopitiam food, but tasty.

Well, my dad enjoyed the food so much, he said he would eat there everyday instead of eating at kopitiams! What's really cool was their packaging for take-aways! It's a box that's microwavable, 'green', and have parts that can convert into fork, spoon & knife? Wow.

I didn't expect writing in blogs can also be "ban-dang"!

It rained last friday before the fireworks display! Geez...but thank goodness it stopped raining when I reach my spot where my friend had waited there since 4+pm. It took some time for a CBD idiot like me to get to the point!

I was intrigued by the number of photographers in a stretch of about 100m. They are dead serious photographers who some reach there about 2pm, standing/sitting through the downpour while I was still seating cozily in my office :P! First look they know I'm a newbie (noob!), but luckily my friend was around to give me advice. The photographers next to us were also very friendly and we were able to get some tips from their experience. As the sky gets darker and closer to 9pm, my heart started pounding faster by the minute. Then....we see ripples on the river face just minutes before the fireworks. Oh no, drizzles! There's a sudden row of umbrellas, to shield the cameras mainly..haha...I would just cry if my camera got hit by rain, but for many of them, guess they will jump straight into the river in front if it was theirs!

The drizzle was soon over and everyone was anticipating the first shoot of the fireworks. It was like at shooting ranges, everyone in position. It was chaos for me when the fireworks started. My adjustment was much slower than others and I guess I wasted a first few minutes of the show. It was like painting a picture with water colours (fireworks). Overall, it was so fun, I get to predict the fireworks, how many seconds I want to "paint", the brightness control, etc. Time flies and the show ended unexpectedly. Everyone would be reviewing their photos, some get what they want, some disappointed, but I'm satisfied with my first shoot

! Here's some of my favourites, the rest were uploaded at my flickr account :

The next day was also a long day, drizzling the whole day. I was losing hope of being able to catch the 2nd day of fireworks (Team Korea). Uncle Chua say it'll be much better than the first day's. It was still drizzling at dinner time, so I decided to join Peiyi & co. for dinner at Aljunied. Surprisingly the rain stopped and we decided to catch the fireworks. It's like Amazing Race to get to the same spot as the previous day cos we ain't got much time. Our parents always say it's unhealthy to exercise straight after a meal, but I don't think anyone gave a thought

about that...
Uncle Chua & his family was also rushing down to the show and I didn't expect them to reach later than us. Initially I gave up hope to photograph fireworks that day cos I don't have a tripod and we were standing at a bad position. Uncle Chua arrived just in time with the tripod when the fireworks started, so I began setting up my tripod while the fireworks were shooting spectacularly and drizzling at the same time. What's even more spectacular was a guy kneeling & proposing to his girlfriend with a bunch of roses not far from us amidst surrounding people & fireworks-brightened sky

. I didn't know what happened afterwards cos the girl must be pretty heartless if she rejected him!

I care more about my fireworks at that point of time. I can only hear Zhen-yi saying that she wish that will happen to her and she will surely accept the guy. (SO for guys out there who *cough* Z* Y*, you know what to do!) Seriously a waste for not being able to stand at the first row of people, cos there's a guy infront of me holding his umbrella exceptionally high... This fireworks display is definitely better than the previous and I'm sure everyone there had a memoriable night, esp. that couple!
Viewing through, I realised that it'll be so much better if I could shoot lower capturing the people gazing while holding their umbrellas, wouldn't it?