...finally an update from a supa-lazy blogger(pressure pressure *cough*)...
Life's been normal lately. Glad that still in pink health! I'm really damn scared of getting sick. Last year, I suffered from a really high fever and felt like dying (literally). Afterwhich, I became very conscious about the state of my health. Unlike my brother who fancies soups, I loved drinking cold water especially during meals, but after reading the e-mail about drinking warm
water/tea during meals, I stopped drinking cold stuffs during meals. I know my heart is abit "funny" so I think by doing so will be good for it. I've also started drinking green tea instead of cold drinks during work. Despite being influenced by e-mails (again), I enjoyed it very much cos it's really a very aromatic drink

An interesting article I saw on the newspaper sometime ago, if you haven't seen her before, let me introduce her to you...her name is TAMA. She's ain't ordinary cat yo, she's a railway station master in one of Japan's train station! Her job is to greet the passengers and even got her own "
office" which is a converted ticket booth containing a litter box. Well, she's the station's savior b'cos the station was about to close down due to declined riderships, but her appointment revived it. I'm not a fan of cat but I find Tama full of attitude looking! haha...

Yesterday, while leaving my work place, I saw a temp receptionist holding Nodame's bag!!! I believe my eyes that it exists in this country! Immediately I asked her where she bought it and instantly, we pointed at each other and said "You watched Nodame?!" We went hysterical and started chatting furiously about JDrama & animes. Conclusion: My first time of meeting an OTAKU
- I lost hands-down!!! She mentioned about a shop in Chinatown which has good pricing for anime stuffs, guess I'll drop by sometime. :)

hey, i am looking for the nodame bag too.. can you tell me where can i possibly get it??
your reply will be much appreciated.
thanks!! :)
Hi Janice, i can't remember exactly where my friend bought her nodame bag....it's some anime shop in Chinatown.
I remember seeing one at a small anime shop at Chinatown point, maybe you can try your luck there?
Gud luck finding it! :)
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