2nd semester beginning next monday...geez...holidays pass by so fast compared to studying days -___-; I wonder whether I'm well rested and prepared for the upcoming battle!? Felt tired from all the fun this holiday :P but I'm sure I've strengthened mentally! Lets do it!
I've managed to survive 1st semester and 2nd semester definitely won't go easy on me, I must work hard and overcome the obstacles! I should make some changes in my lifestyle so that I stay healthy throughout the semester. Looking back, getting sick twice in 3 weeks in 1st semester were really unnecessary. I think I must sweat a bit everyweek, drink and eat sufficiently and keep my stress level under control. I observed that whenever I begin to stress, I'll become thirsty but forget to drink water at the same time.
At the moment, physics is my weakest subject and chemistry my strength. I must pay more attention to physics! I really hope I can get an decent overall average at the end of the year because I've been hoping to get a bursary as soon as possible. I think it's better to be attached to a company so that internship and gaining experience in the future will be easier, plus a bursary will lessen financial burden on mum & dad. School fees nowadays are shockingly expensive. However, most companies offer bursary to only citizens. I've tried applying for companies that accepts PR students but still no reply yet. I guess they don't want to take risk giving bursary to first year students, esp. during this economy crisis. Yosh! Must work hard to apply bursary next year!!!
Some pics taken in holiday:
Marc's friend's new car...
We travelled back at 220km/h on the expressway, never travelled so fast in a car before...felt myself floating...(;´Д`)
Saw some horses while taking photos of the car...they're really friendly animals! ( ´ー`)
See that? It's a owl! We observe this owl will be standing-by on our neighbour's or our roof at night.
Eek! I'm not your prey!
Back to Cape Town...wonderful weather as usual! Freezing tho'...too bad no snow in sight..
yeah nice Hyndai Genesis !
and taht owl... i'm very miss that owl's voice ... i used hear that owl voice in George ...in the dark loney cold night ! haha
when u going shot more photos !
please dont let ur D40x gets loney !
yeah !
ur last photo u should ajusting ur white balance more ... i think that will let ur photo gains more light ...
Andy! I'll take more photos after my exams! Thanx for the advice!
that is great!
i'd made a little adjument on ur photo , i dont know if it's better or not .. but u can make a comparison...
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