5 Feb 2009
Finally it's the day for registration and the end of my long holidays! Woke up 5am and hurriedly ate my breakfast and left early as it's my first time traveling via train and shuttle to UCT. Although it's almost summer, the sun has just barely made itself visible behind the faraway mountains when I left
home. Can't imagine how dark it'll be when it's winter?!
The journey to school was done in a very planned manner, through my bro's drawings, I visualize many times the things to note, where to turn and what not. Reaching school on time is such a relieve! ( ´ー`)

Already there's lotsa new students hanging around, shortly later comes the student council people 'disturbing the peace' early in the morning! haha... I was chilling in front of the 'Greek Looking' Jameson Hall with Devil's Peak hovering behind it, and the view is just so grand. Behind me was a smoggy/foggy? city below.

After a long welcome and motivational speech by various figures in the university, we were divided into groups and were lead around visiting places where we may study (the campus is so so big that there's a upper campus and lower campus divided by a expressway). During lunch break, I venture out to check out my building which was built quite recently...maybe the only building without vines growing on the walls?! Not sure about others, but I got a chill when I went into the building cos inside look just like

in those movies where some secret organization working for some baddies at some hideout. ( ゚д゚) I can't take any pics inside, but there's many see-through rooms with many weird looking things. Looks like there's many mini-factories built in the room. Hazard signs are just everywhere and dangerous looking people in white walking around holding fuming flasks....OMG, am I going to be doing that oneday ?! haha...seems like i'm really into some dangerous profession....但也蠻有趣的 lar.
After queuing in a 50m long queue, I finally got my Student Card!!! I'm proudly UCT student ler!!! Going to apply for student account soon and get discounts on stuffs! ( ´ー`)
erm.......why do I look so chubby...?
Time to go home via the long journey...reaching Cape Town interchange at 1606hrs, saw the train board saying the train to Bellville will depart at 1610hrs. OMG...ran (after a few months of no exercise) from lane 2 to lane 21. Upon reaching at 1607hrs, can't believe my eyes...the train LEFT when I reached there. _l ̄l○ (imagination only). Dragged my feet back to the board and saw the next train is half hour later. (;´Д`)
Reached home exhausted and hungry...seems like my mentality not as strong as my bro who survived his first year doing this every day! haha...
ur sch looks like a real sch.. like in the movie.. envy envy.. can i enrol too??
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