Yesterday was the first day for us first year students. I was too tired to blog when I reached home so decided to blog today. (;´Д`)
It was the first day of school, without any actual lectures but lots of 'lecturing'. Every lecturers bombaded us with so many information about the hell that's about to come. The conclusion I've got at the end of the day: It's going to be a super-fast Hell ride (ones without seats) vertically towards Joy-Land, whether you fall depends on how tight you hold your grip?
Why 'super-fast'? Cos the students only attend school for slightly more than 6 months a year, the rest is holiday.
Aside the negatives, the lecturers are really funny and some really gave me more interest in my course. Starting from next week monday, it's going to be all-out hard work till the June/July paradise! I'm going to hang on tight, even if my joints were to dislocate, I'll hang on! ( ´ー`)
5 Feb 2009
Finally it's the day for registration and the end of my long holidays! Woke up 5am and hurriedly ate my breakfast and left early as it's my first time traveling via train and shuttle to UCT. Although it's almost summer, the sun has just barely made itself visible behind the faraway mountains when I left home. Can't imagine how dark it'll be when it's winter?!
The journey to school was done in a very planned manner, through my bro's drawings, I visualize many times the things to note, where to turn and what not. Reaching school on time is such a relieve! ( ´ー`)Already there's lotsa new students hanging around, shortly later comes the student council people 'disturbing the peace' early in the morning! haha... I was chilling in front of the 'Greek Looking' Jameson Hall with Devil's Peak hovering behind it, and the view is just so grand. Behind me was a smoggy/foggy? city below.
Reached home exhausted and hungry...seems like my mentality not as strong as my bro who survived his first year doing this every day! haha...