Literally dreamt myself into 2009 - a transition from 2008 to 2009 in a "blink of eye"!
2009 will be a year going back to studies after 3 years of enjoyment.
I'm sure a year full of challenges and the difficulty to overcome this book-phobia awaits me.
Although partly nervous, I'm excited to be able to acquire some kinda profession through the studies. Having working at numerous organisations and meeting so many people, I became very envious of many outstanding people whom I admired, doing their work with so much passion professionally. 

Something I observed from my high school friends who are all still studying, they have incredible amount of passion in what they're studying and internship work. One of them who inspired me the most has just completed his architecture degree and will be proceeding with his masters degree.
His passion for architecture was so great that he would stay in the university's studio for weeks designing his work. He would sleep on the chair or the floor as there's no bed. One of his work was a public library meant for poor children to improve their education. I believe "passion" is a very important word whether it's studies or working. Without passion, one will not make the initiative to take that extra step and will give up easily when something goes wrong. 

Compared to my peers here, I'm really lagging behind in terms of studies but I don't think I've not wasted my 3 years. I have to study hard in 2009
, forget about entertainment
and remember not to give up easily. So, if I forgot to study hard, think about entertainment, and give up....please smack my head on my behalf!

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