Guess it's time to dust up my blog...been busy hanging around with friends lately for they had just finished their exams at university!
Firstly, I must say it's an undescribable feeling to be back at home. Although far away from hometown, it gave me an original "back-at-home" feeling. Most importantly, being back into parents'
wings provides the utmost comfort and satisfaction. How I hope time will slow its soon as school starts, I'll need to leave their sides again and wonder when these days will come again? Right now, I'm relishing every single second I'm spending with them!
The season transition this year seemed to delay for a right it should be blazing hot summer but the temperature still seems to range between 15-23 deg. Guess I should be grateful cos I really dislike hot weathers!
Meeting up with past high school friends, I've been talking alot lately. There's just so much things to update each other. Surprisingly to them, i've not changed much - Really? Has the 10kg of fat done nothing to me? Most of them actually lost weight due to the stress from studies, but some esp. the whites BLOATED (vertically & horizontally), making me look like a hobbit!
I'm glad to see that everyone of them doing well in their studies, but at the same time, made me feel that I'm really behind them cos some will be graduating next year! I'm also surprised by the great passion each and every one of them displayed with regards to their course. This is something worth admiring and learnt.
At this moment, I'm still waiting for my application at University of Western Cape (Dentistry). They say they'll only announce the outcome in early January. As it's my first choice, I sincerely hope to get to know the outcome as early as possible so that arrangements can be made since school usually starts in Feb! If this application fails, I'll need to study at University of Cape Town (Chemical Engineering) which I have much less interest in. Didn't know waiting can be so torturing like a poison....haha... 
Say hello to the world!
I'm getting hungry again....
Desert-like sand dunes next to a river...
...and sea!
Roll~roll~~roll your boat....
...gently down the stream~~~
"Good you didn't forget about me...WOOF!"