19 Oct 2008

We headed out for Table Mountain, the famous flat top mountain in Capetown. Thank goodness it was sunny day on that particular day cos only on sunny day people are allowed to be on the m
ountain top. It was said that on the mountain top one will be able to see the entire city very clearly in front and the ocean behind. The cable car floor will begin to turn 360deg. while on it's way going up wor...
Unfortunately, our cable car was engulfed by thick clouds on our way up to the mountain top so we were unable to see the city and ocean. We were just one cable car behind to see the view!
This was my first time being in (moving) clouds, literally. It's like being in heaven or in the movies.
The visibility was very bad and it's SO cold such that my grandma ended up hiding in the cosy cafe! I was shivering and jumping around to keep warm...haha...stupid me was wearing slippers!
As time was pretty limited that day, we were unable to walk throughout the entire path which is about 1km plus.
However we came across a round table-like thing which have indications of the direction of many places and its distance. Interestingly, we found Singapore and Port Elizabeth (place i'm at currently) grouped together! 

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