Yay, just came back from watching the movie "National Treasure" at Suntec with my collegues. It's a brilliant show...loves the creativity! Guess what, I only paid $1....for the ticket, Nachos & drinks! Haha...thanx lots to the welfare department! Hope can have this every month :P
Gotta hit the sack soon...only went to bed at noon and woke up at 4pm...geez...feels like another pimple is coming out (this happens whenever I lacked sleep)...T___T
Anyway the other day, did a medical screening and was told my blood pressure is High normal. A bit shocked but good to know is still "normal"
(but "high" -__-''')
Well, I was advised to drink more water like 8 glasses a day! (I drink like 3 per day? @___@)and have lesser salt intake....which I think is something I need to work on...I mean, I loves savory stuffs much more than sweet stuffs. Gotta be more health conscious now on...
Hmm..X'mas is coming soon and slowly can feel the festive season...so recently quite grown to this song..
Enjoy, Happy X'mas in advance~
Straight after work, my collegue and I went to SITEX 2007 at Expo and met up with our ex-collegue after some serious carpark lot hunting...we really didn't expect so many people to be there so early on a working day!
3 of us then walked around the showroom which is full of pamphlet-givers. I seriously think there are more pamphlet-givers than customers at that time...Haha....My collegue later bought a 42' Samsung Plasma TV for a good price of $1499 and ex-collegue bought a Seagate external 160gb harddrive for about $150. I myself did not purchase any items coz I did not see any items I need particularly, but I must say there are real good bargains at the show if you really want some IT gadgets.
On the way back home, my ex-collegue and I dropped by Novena Square 2 and bought some QQrice. The QQrice is like japanese rice "ball"? Firstly, you get to choose the type of rice you want which includes 5 different types of healthy rice. Then, you will choose 5 dishes from the dish counter which will be added into the rice you chose earlier and the mixture will be moulded into a bean shaped ball. You can then open the wrapping and eat later. It gives a different feeling compared to our conventional way of eating rice and the rice used for the wrapping smells extremely nice. It doesn't come cheap though - $3.50. but once in a while is okay. Btw, the shop is facing TTSH and I think is the only one in S'pore.
We then went to Mr Bean to get some drinks and my ex-collegue recommended Watermelon Soya Milk to me. My reply was "huh?" Simply because mixing fruits and soya bean milk does not really make sense to me. Anyway, I gave it a try and believe it or not, its really awesome and especially cooling to drink.
Although coming back home from a PC Show empty-handed feels really weird, it's okay since I had a good update on the latest IT gadgets in S'pore. Came back home and discovered HandMC's upcoming single "Amazing" PV is out. Yay~ it's truly amazing. Thanks and well done..keep it up Haikara!
Seems like I don't treat blogging seriously...haha...well for me, I'm really lazy to update frequently...
Recently was feeling a bit funny, I mean I can feel my heart beating real hard and fast for no apparent reason...Actually, I am really scared because it happened before when I was small but it is reoccuring again..I really don't know what's wrong. But I guess it's lack of sleep and some healthy lifestyle could've caused it?
It's been a few weeks since my brother had left the country and through e-mail I heard that he is currently coping with the environment there and seemed to be doing quite well now. Great news that he has been accepted by one of the university at Cape Town for mechanical engineering. Good luck studying!
Just sold out my PSP slim few days ago coz really seldom play games so I got a Ipod Classic instead. It blowed my pocket badly but yeah it's quite a sweet gadget which really fits my needs more than a PSP. Now I can put all my music collection into it without exchanging music every week or so.
Do you believe in "possession"? As in....spirit in someone's body and controlling it? Or even better, have you seen one? I believed in such phenomenon, especially after yesterday's incident...
She simply could not stop talking, seriously, non-S.T.O.P. and her eyes looked around pointlessly. Oh yeah, she also pretty violent and very strong despite being small size. Believe it or not, it took about 6 adults to hold her down. My friend chanted prayers for her and subsequently she managed to come to her senses. I was very surprised and later I was revealed by her that she was "controlled" by unknown weird thing but had already left to somewhere very far. I believed in her words because I really believed that spirits do exist and also heard that when a person is possessed, he/she can become a different person.
Anyway, she felt really thirsty afterwards and lost her voice immediately too (duh~). Haha...anyway..it's really an unbelievable phenomenon unless you see it for yourself!
Since a few months ago, I have been communicating with my mum via several e-mails, talking about my subjects choices which I need to apply when the application opens....I'd looked and considered what subjects the different universities provided; my interest; and my parents' wishes.
I've never have an ambition ever since I'm small regarding what I wanna be when I grow up. But not it comes to a point whereby I have to make a decision. So I looked at the subjects I took during high school and feel that I have more interest in the Biology field than the mathematics or science side, although I did better in the latter subjects....
My parents hope that I can study dentistry and I really do consider it since it's part of Biology field. I made a check and feel some interest in it. However, there's a few worries: (1) Will I be able to enter the subject, (2) It's a 5 year course, will I have enough financial support? (3) Am I able to handle the workload?
I put it to a discussion with my mum, and her reply is "no worries, just go for it". So I feel it's pointless to worry about it now, but I really hope I can be accepted when the time comes.
So far, my choices are: (1) Dentistry, (2) Bio-technology/Bio-chemistry, (3) Electrical Engineering. However now, I'm still quite open to consider other choices.
Just something for sharing...
Recently, I came across a lady who is in her 30's? She was crying all the time and talking to herself. The room was dark as there was no light and the room was in a mess. Her parents kept saying she is insane and wanted to send her to mental hospital....
Few months ago...
This lady was a educated young lady who was about to register marriage with her boyfriend. They also had a beautiful house ready. She was just one step away from the happiest moment of her life, believing with her heart and soul...It was then when the unexpected happened, her boyfriend did not turn up for the registration and was no where to be found. Their future house also became 'inaccessible' as well. It was just too much for her and she had a serious nervous breakdown since then.
Lesson learnt: Believing in something is good but never overdo it i.e. become fixated. I always believe in "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst". Have a flexible thinking.
*Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not telling you not to believe in your partner....just that this lady's case, the guy really is a bastard! XD
Being loved by someone is really happiness. It doesn't have to be boyfriend or girlfriend relationship. Parental love is.
Not long ago, my mum just visited and we have so many things to talk about. It has been about 1 year since I've last seen her. She looked a bit older than before, I know it's obvious but it really indicates that time is still moving forward...maybe just a bit too fast? For my dad, I think about 2 years already since I've last seen him? I wonder if he's still as young as before? ^__^
Though we chit-chatted about many things, she seemed more concern about my well-being and my future than myself.
Seriously, I feel our parent's love for us is really filled with ultimate warmth and protection...sometimes their presence itself suffice to make us happy. Last time, when we used to live together, I would sometimes find them troublesome & not understanding. Only when they are a distance apart from me, I realise that I had been protected all the time. They interfered so that I can be focused and 'be on the right track'. I sincerely believed that all parents loved their children and willing to give their all for them...thus I urged everyone out there to cherish their parents when they are around you.
Thank you Mum & Dad. Wish both of you good health and see you soon~
Geez....it's so hot today...feel so drained and tired. No matter how many cups of water, it just doesn't seems to help. How I wish to have snow in this long summer day.... Last week while walking around, I saw this video vending machine at this Yew Tee Shopping Centre and decided to take a look, as for many times I saw many people queuing up esp. during weekends. It turned out to be quite a good machine and a video caught my eye, a Jmovie called Nada Sou Sou. Actually saw this movie advertised online and wanted to check it out. Moreover, the lead female actress is Nagasawa Masami!
It's really a touching story taken from a ballad song about this brother giving all his best to provide the best for his step-sister, as both their parents died while they were still young.
Recommend this movie to everyone out there but if you are a person who cries while watching movies, better prepare yourself. Hahaha....
I give it a overall rating of 7/10!
Currently, I'm so hooked onto this song by Ken Hirai called ''Hitomi wo Tojite''. It is the theme song of a movie called "Sekai no chuushin de, ai wo sakebu".
It is such a nice sentimental song esp. with Ken's incredible voice @___@....
Yay! High and Migthy Color also released their new single "Dreams" which is superb too ^__^! Karine will be very happy too...hahaha...
My mum will be coming to Singapore to pay a visit on 8th of August. I missed her and have alot of things to talk about. For everyone out there, please do not take your parents for granted and cherish them. Back in the days, I would thought that my parents were very meddlesome, but now thinking carefully, its all because of our parents being protective over us. I am sure Zi Fang-jie will agree with me ^__^.
I observed that recently many people are falling sick...and I've exert myself quite a bit, so now really scared I'll get sick too, esp. my lips feel very dry despite drinking lotsa water...I hope everyone to take good care of themselves too~
Wow, it's been so long since I blogged. It's been really hectic busy...decided to post something during this breather. Recently, I started watching a Japanese Drama called 'Daisakusen Proposal' aka Operation Love (Proposal). Honestly, I'm totally hooked onto it. It's quite a new drama, just finished broadcast in Japan not long ago.
My ratings (so far):
Simply can't believe we lost 8-1 in the friendly soccer game yesterday! We played at Teck Whye Secondary School's soccer field. The field really quite nice to play on, just the weather a bit crazly hot. Physically, our opponents are ALL (almost) bigger size than us T_T. While fighting for the ball, I tried several times to fend my opponent off but was pushed away instead @_@....
What's even worst, our star player dislocate his shoulder (old injury) about 10 secs after kick-off! Haha..that's when the trashing started....traced by 4-0 first half. Second half, star player decide to play despite his injury. Oh man, how he can run....single handedly scored the only goal. Feel so sorry that we don't have the ability to support him, since I don't play soccer often -___-lll
However, we managed to win the penalty shoot-outs. I was tasked to shoot one shot and thank goodness managed to get it in. The pressure of taking penalty is really great...can imagine many people behind your back cursing you to miss and many praying you to get it in. HAHAHA...
Straight after the soccer, we rushed back for work! That night-shift is probably the most excruciating shift ever! SO so tired....even Red Bull don't seemed to help.
Just came back from nice family dinner at Outram Park. Rejuvenated my life though my body still aching here and there....haha....
Straight after night shift at 10am, I went back home and immediately hit the bed as later at 3:30pm there will be a friendly 7-a-side soccer match at Kranji Sec! (Damn, to organise soccer match after night shift!).
It took me seriously alot of effort to wake up...usually I'll sleep like a dead person all the way till 6 or 7pm. Feel like dying when I woke up at 2:30pm....and the hot weather is just making everything so much worst. Anyway, I dragged my feet all the way to Kranji Sec and the sentry guard there told me that the field is under maintanence! We then changed our location to Regent Sec and managed to book the field there.
The final score of the game is 3-1 against us and my team lost T_T. I really think that we could've won if we had a good rest after the night shift. It was really a fun match even though most of us cannot play soccer (including me :p)! It helps alot with our team bonding. Myself was so exhausted that my hands went numb during the game. I need to do something about my fitness! Ever since training days, I have not been taking care of my fitness....and today is a good lesson!
One year to board group "2"....hahaha....
One year had already passed since 18 years old and now 19 years old. Looking into the mirror, still can make the 19-look but looking at my "inside"....feel like 91....feel old.....haha....
Hope that in the finale of group "1", I am able to upgrade myself and become a better person! Viva 19~~~~
YA HA~~~~ The parade is finally over! After almost 2 months of rehearsing, it's finally comes to an end!
Reached Singapore Indoor Stadium this morning at 9am and started rehearsing the parade until the afternoon. Everyone really can't wait to finish the parade since we've used so much time in practising. The time finally comes at about 4pm when we entered the stadium. Seriously, I was stunned by the number of audience at the stadium. I had never expected so many people will be coming to watch. I mean we were literally surrounded by thousands of people above us. At first, my legs were as soft as tofu, but later I felt quite nice in the atmosphere.
Oh yeah, first time see Mr Lee Hsien Loong live...haha...seriously, he's quite tall :P (compared to me). Overall, the parade is quite a success, if you compare to the rehearsals we did earlier, which sometimes quite disappointing to watch. The numerous rehearsals we did truly paid off today and the experience gain is certainly wonderful.
Didn't stayed back to watch the performances, since I've already seen them before. The performances are really quite nice. I'm sure those people that went there today will say so too. Hmm..too bad I don't have any photos of the event...I'll post next time if I get the pics.
Luckily tommorow is my off day, so I can have a good rest!
Some people just seems to require very little sleep, or is it that I'm lazy? whatever, I love sleeping!
I reported off duty this morning (not afternoon) at 1230am and headed back home to sleep. Guess what, woke up at 0515am and prepared to leave home again! Simply a killer for sleep-lover person like me! I have to reach Singapore Indoor Stadium by 0700am for a rehearsal session.
The rehearsal session is for the Police Day Parade (3rd June) which is held every year to commemorate officers who have laid down their lives in the past during their duty. It is also an event for some award presentation. Somehow this year I was chosen to be part of the parade...don't even know whether to be happy or sad about it! The rehearsal had been taking place now and then for the past one month already. This year's parade is more grand than the past few year's as "big boss" of other countries' police will be coming to watch. Even PM Mr Lee Hsien Loong is coming too. Anyway, the parade is very "dry" but the later programme is quite nice...especially the part where Traffic Police do drifting with their Subaru WRX! Freaking cool...feel like trying it out....hmm...better not! haha...
Came back home at about 1pm + and I dropped dead on the bed! XD
....as expected.
Wahaha...long time haven't post....been so busy...
Now a panda, since I haven't slept since yesterday afternoon. Just came back from night shift - exhausted.... Came back home and was alone, since everyone except my brother and myself had already went to malaysia. Had to wash clothes (using washing machine -__-;), clean the house and cook my own lunch.
Thought of relaxing by watching Bleach, but discovered that THERE IS NO BLEACH AIRRED THIS WEEK!!! AAAAHHHHH~~~~~
.....feel even more tired. (can feel my soul seeping out slowly from my body....X_X)
ah....need to reeest.....
Not long ago, watched the movie "200 pounds beauty"... As earlier, some of my collegues recommended the movie to me, saying it's really awesome... hmm...
I'm not a fan of korean movies/dramas due to various reasons, and this movie is not up to my liking either...
I simply don't like the idea of plastic surgery, and this movie simply promoting it! I admit some parts of the movie is quite funny but not enough to cover the plot. I felt the movie more suitable for koreans, since it's already a norm for them....
Umm...just finished watching the movie "300"...not too bad....
Well I would say...it's a show not quite suitable for girls to watch as almost the entire movie is about bloody fighting and a movie whereby only guys can understand the meaning of the movie!!!
However, I strongly recommend the movie to guys, as the King of Sparta reminds us of qualities man should have..."Courage", "Honour" and "Love for the beloved"....which most of us have already forgotten!!! ^___^
Anyway~ I seriously felt the the story writer must have been drunk or out-of-idea, to come up with all the beasts of asia...hahahaha...By the way, awesome acting - King of Sparta!
"We must buy original Music CDs as many musicians ain't making money."
I was thinking whether this is really true?
Why is it that there are more and more musicians as time goes by, who don't seem poor to me?
I believe it is true that CD sales are not as good as before, and musicians know that very well too. So how come the music industry is still doing so well?
If you look at Japanese music videos, they call them "Promotional Videos".
I think they have treated the music they produce as Promotional music towards their concerts/performance. Through Live performance, one can then see and feel the musician(s) true colors! Apparently, much editing is done during recording, thus musicians can cover over their mistakes with ease. While Live, they have to do it once perfect! Therefore, I suppose Music CDs serves as a "preview" to Live performance. Remember that there are no music CDs at all in the olden days and people only watch performance! Music CDs also serves as collections for the fans.
I mean nowadays major performance comes with at least 10,000 tickets! Compare to CD sales, earning through performance seems faster. Furthermore, musicians are then really doing something they like to do.
Nowadays there are more musicians doing acting, where they use their music in the show, which also acts as a promotion too!
In conclusion....
I strongly believe that in the near future, distribution of music will be completely legal ^__^!!!
I've just watched a Japanese movie called Taiyou no Uta (A song to the Sun) and wow...it's a really nice movie!

Yes yes....he's back from Taiwan....seems like he really enjoyed their trip and adventure there. He didn't buy what i asked him to buy but instead he bought me a small keychain of a guitar, which i decided to clip onto my thumb drive since i'm using it almost everyday. Checks good hey?
Not very visible.....is it?
Hope Fu Xi enjoy his trip there too, since this is his first time there!
Today is my resting day however also my in-service day. In-service is usually like development courses that takes place once in every month to upgrade ourselves in some ways or other.
Usually, it's a "dry" learning programme but today's is really great, because the in-service ends with a paint ball competition!!! Freaking awesome hey?
It's my first time playing paint ball games and i find it so fun! Lucky for me as the game is free which actually costs about $55 per person per game. A game will only lasts maximum 10 mins, if your 200 paint balls can last that long! The task of the game is to firstly take down your opponent's 3 targets and then bring the box (located at the centre of the battlefield) back to your base. Each team consisted of 5 members.
I played 2 games in total - 1st game is my team mates of my NPC against other NPC. 2nd game is between my own team mates.
Although the game is very short, it completely drains your energy and keeps your adrenalin running high! Too bad the protection provided ain't as complete as you think it should be, so chances of getting bruises is quite high too! Haha!
I'm sure everyone who went and play today really enjoyed themselves as much as i do, especially the 2nd game which i think binds our team even closer!
Yes, finally have time to post something...been so soo busy recently, schedule is so packed! Oh man...should take leave sometime soon and have a good rest. Don't wish to get sick again @_@!!
Added 1 new mp3 by High and Mighty Color. It's one of the songs sang in the movie Anata wo Wasurenai. Really like that song and really wanted to watch that movie coz the vocalist of High and Mighty Color acted in the movie ^__^!!!
Anyway, check out the download section for the song!
Note to Karine: I've just got the single....not bad....hope you like it too!
03. Rolling Star (Acoustic Version)
Did you feel earthquake today at about 1100hrs @_____@?
I was looking in the pc and suddenly my whole body starts to move with the chair (type that has wheels) - left to right, left to right.....
.... i thought i got a headache/dizziness again ( i've just recovered from illness)
btw, i've never experienced a earthquake before so i'm not sure whether it's one actually...
Did you felt it?
Yup! Download section added! I'll be posting links of songs i like in that section to share with everyone. Hopefully you will enjoy the music as much as i do ^__^!
Note to "hAo": I've added 3 SID's songs in that section. Too lazy to upload the entire album, so i chose the nicest 3 songs out of the album for you, hope you enjoy 'em! Cheers!
Today is my off day so i decided to make a blog for myself. Heard that people get addicted to blogging...for what reasons i do not know...maybe i should just find out for myself huh? I've decided to make my blog sort-of L'Arc~en~Ciel themed as I loved their music so much!!!
So far, the blog ain't really completely done yet but i'm sure soon it'll be done.
Please do not be shy to shout out in the C-Box ~